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About Wildfire

This video series in an introduction to wildfire and the steps that your family can take to stay safe. These videos were made because a wildfire was dangerously close to my house in Silverthorne, Colorado. We will be discussing how wildfire behaves, the steps we can take to reduce fuels, the programs that are offered by Summit County government, and what type of smoke detectors your family should use.

Wildfire is good for our forest? How is that possible? If a wildfire happens naturally in a forest that regularly sees fire the fire won't be a "super fire" and the forest will thrive. Wildfire knocks back competition and many types of trees thrive after a fire and some completely rely on fire to germinate their seeds.

Defend your house from wildfire and keep your family save by managing your property in Zone 1, Zone 2 and Zone 3. These 3 zones work together to reduce the likelihood of loosing your house during the next fire season. Creating a defensible space is one of the best things that you can do before fire season. Zone 1 is the zone closet to your house between 0'-5'

Defend your house from wildfire and keep your family save by managing your property in Zone 1, Zone 2 and Zone 3. These 3 zones work together to reduce the likelihood of loosing your house during the next fire season. Creating a defensible space is one of the best things that you can do before fire season. Zone 2 is a little further away from your house between 5'-30'

Defend your house from wildfire and keep your family save by managing your property in Zone 1, Zone 2 and Zone 3. These 3 zones work together to reduce the likelihood of loosing your house during the next fire season. Creating a defensible space is one of the best things that you can do before fire season. Zone 3 is the furthest from your house between 30'-100'

Summit County, Colorado understands the risk that fire presents to home owns and the cost to the community if life or property were lost and that is why Summit County offers funding and programs to keep people safe from wildfire. Summit County has grants to fund fuel reduction, and defensible space creation. Summit County also offers programs such as the Chipping Program to help remove fuels from people's properties for free.

Smoke detectors are dangerous... but what type of smoke detector danger do you need to watch out for? Not all smoke detectors can detect smoke as well as others. It is important to ditch the ionization detector and move to a photoelectric detector, and please don't buy a combo unit.